Two years ago, our son, Charlie, was diagnosed with type one diabetes (T1D). He had just turned 5 years old. Receiving a T1D diagnosis and knowing this was a lifelong disease just felt heavy, SO heavy. We had a lot to learn to say the least. We knew type 1 diabetics were insulin dependent but had no clue how loaded the words ‘managing his blood sugar levels’ would be. It’s truly an around the clock job that not many realize.
We had a lot of questions and ‘what ifs’, and as a parent with anything related to your children, you worry…. we always will. We were overwhelmed to say the least and just trying to navigate and understand what would be our ‘new’ normal. Thankfully we are blessed with great family and friends. Although, some of the BEST support has been from connecting with other families who also have a child with diabetes. I have found an amazing network of moms here in town who JUST GET IT, and I am so thankful for them.
Finding your people, your tribe, your support in ANY situation is vital!
A quote was recently shared with us that resonated with me down to the core. This can apply to any hardship you may be going through, whether it’s a medical diagnosis, a personal situation, or anything else in between, we have a choice in how we move forward.
"You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to YOU."
-Josh Shipp
Although I wish diabetes was not our reality or anyone else’s, IT IS. Yes, some days I am bitter…yes, I am sad…yes, I am tired and overwhelmed with worry. But, in the last two years, I have learned that we have a choice. A choice to accept what was dealt and alter our attitude in how we approach our daily outlook. If we exude negativity…. Charlie will too. If we wallow in pity… Charlie will too. We have a choice. We all do. You either get bitter or you get better. We chose the latter…. What will you choose?