For those who do not know me, my name is Brenner LeCompte and, while I am listed as a co-founder, Forge Ahead is really the brain child and passion of one of my best friends, Mike McManus.
Mike and I met almost a decade ago when our wives introduced us at a family fitness class. Little did we know that family, fitness and friendship would define our relationship of the future.
Prior to the pandemic, first Mike and then I, began a journey to become better versions of ourselves. Like many guys our age we enjoyed sleeping in, drinking craft beer and binging on carbs...all in the name of keeping our “dad bods” in form! But we slowly came to realize that if we wanted to be here for our families in the future we needed to make some changes to our lifestyles. This wasn't easy because it also meant that we had to change more than our diet, we had to change our hobbies, how we spent our nights and weekends and above all our mindset. But the best part was that we were on this journey together.
Fast forward to March of 2020...gyms were shut down, lockdowns were put in place and the camaraderie we put in place to support each other in our journey was put on pause. I had many support structures in my life starting with my strong belief in God, my wife and family and many friends but I would be lying if I said the disconnection from so much of what we came to take for granted was easy. The pandemic really put into focus the need we all have to be part of a community that helps us be a better version of ourselves...we all have enough groups that try to pull us down.
Forge ahead is all about connecting with people who also are striving everyday to be the best version of themselves. If this is something you feel like you are missing in your life then you are in the right place. Reach out, introduce yourselves and share your story.
We can't wait to hear it!